Posts in Fishing
#VIP | Best of The Best | #Northernlight & #Fishing | #Tirpitz visit | #Tromso | Guest from Australia

What a sailing, what a nice experience, what a night, what a day!

Our #VIP guests from Australia sailed with us on our BEST of The BEST tour | #Northernlight and #Fishing.

We also visited the old German battleship wreck Tirpitz which was bombed by the Englishmen in 1944. More than 900 people died that day.

See more fantastic pictures here

#VIP  | Best of The Best | #Northernlight & #Fishing | #Tirpitz visit | #Tromso | Guest from Australia





#VIP  | Best of The Best | #Northernlight & #Fishing | #Tirpitz visit | #Tromso | Guest from Australia

#VIP  | Best of The Best | #Northernlight & #Fishing | #Tirpitz visit | #Tromso | Guest from Australia








#VIP Whalesafari and #Fishing | #Arctic Queen

Fantastic day at sea. Our #VIP guests was happy when arrived to Tromsø.

First we did a fishing activity, before heading up to see the whales. Today it was the Orca who played around Arctic Queen.  Before leaving us we made a lot of Cod filet to our Guests. They promised to get back. This is the second time some of them sailed with us.

Thank you very much.

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#Whalesafari | #Fishing | #Tromso | Princess Emi

We get out there today, but we need to go back to the city before seeing the #Orca today,  since we had some guests that needed to reach the airplane back home.

A little windy, but still a nice tour. If we go 5-10 minutes more, then we have seen the Orca | Killer whale. Anyway We did a fishing after as an additional service for our guests from Switzerland,

More picture here

#Whalesafari | #Fishing | #Tromso | Princess Emi



#Whalesafari | #Fishing | #Tromso | Princess Emi